Course Objectives: This course introduces the activities of financial managers in the planning, acquisition and administration of funds used in a business enterprise. This course will examine the fundamental concepts and basic tools used in financial management and demonstrate how those concepts and tools can be applied in the selection and evaluation of investment alternatives and in the business decision making process. The instructor’s objective is to see that all students attain the level of understanding of the course material that is expected of business graduates by the business community and to provide a sufficient foundation for those students who wisely choose to build on that foundation for their own personal benefit and for the benefit of their future employers.
Expected Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to:
Understand the Time Value of Money and the factors which impact it
Be able to establish, manage and evaluate payment schedules for loans and investments
Be able to translate values across time
Understand the relationship between risk and return and factors that impact both
Be able to value common stocks, bonds, and preferred stocks
Be able to determine the cost of capital for a business
Be able to make business decisions using a discounted cash flow model
Be able to evaluate potential business investments and make reasoned recommendations
Textbook: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise 8th Edition by Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston, ISBN: 10 1-285-06513-1 ISBN-13:978-1-285-06513-7